
Thank you for taking action against Groupon!

Thank you

Thank you for signing the petition urging Groupon to stop profiting from wild animal suffering and to adopt a public welfare policy.

By adding your voice, you join a growing number of Canadians who believe that animals should not suffer for profit. Animals deserve the right to a wild life, not kept in small barren cages or tanks to entertain people.  

Do even more to protect animals in entertainment

Thanks to animal-lovers like you, World Animal Protection is working to move governments, corporations and the public to end the exploitation of animals in entertainment. Please consider a donation today to stop animal exploitation and change animals' lives for the better. 

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Learn more

World Animal Protection’s latest report, Devastating Deals: How Groupon Rakes in Profits from Wild Animal Exploitation, reveals that Groupon routinely partners with some of the cruellest captive wildlife venues in the US. When one of these deals is sold, Groupon receives a cut of the sale, thereby profiting from animal cruelty. They apply this same business model in Canada and around the world. 

Read report