World Animal Protection staff and a chicken

2024 New Year’s resolutions for animals


Happy New Year animal lovers! As we look to a new year ahead, let’s think about some ways in which we can help make a difference for animals. What are your 2024 New Year’s resolutions?

As we enter into a New Year, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the past and envision the positive changes we want to make in the months ahead. As animal advocates, there is no better time to kickstart the year with resolutions that align with your values. From embracing a more plant-based diet to supporting meaningful initiatives, there are many ways you can support animals. 

Let's embark on a journey towards a kinder and more mindful 2024, together. 

Here are 7 great ways you can help make a difference for animals in 2024: 

1. Reduce your meat consumption and eat more plants 🥑 

The transition to a more plant-based diet doesn't have to be daunting. Start by incorporating more meatless meals into your weekly routine. Experiment with diverse recipes and discover the joy of plant-powered eating.  

Find inspiration from our celebrity ambassadors or sign up for our plan meatless better planner.  

If a fully plant-based diet feels like a leap, committing to reducing meat consumption is a fantastic alternative. Try designating certain days of the week as meatless, like “Meatless Monday”, or exploring the world of meat substitutes.  

A bowl of vegan Thai food

2. Help put an end to factory farming 🐖  

Factory farming is one of the largest sources of animal suffering on the planet.  

That’s why we are dedicated to end the intense confinement and cruel conditions inherent in the industrial farming system. You can help by reducing your meat consumption and purchasing meat from higher welfare farms when we choose to consume animal products (download our guide to help you understand labels on animal products and how that relates to animal welfare.) By supporting our campaigns, you can help improve the lives of billions of farm animals around the world – and the well-being of humans and our planet too.   

You can help end nonstop suffering. Sign our petition to demand a moratorium on new factory farms in Canada. 

Sign the petition now 

3. Educate yourself 📚 

Knowledge is a powerful tool in creating positive change. Take the time to educate yourself on animal welfare issues and how your everyday choices can make an impact.  

Understanding the issues at hand empowers you to make informed decisions aligned with your commitment to animal-friendly resolutions. 

4. Connect with like-minded individuals 🙂 

Surround yourself with a community that shares your values. Join social media groups, attend local meet-ups, or engage in online forums where individuals passionate about animal welfare exchange ideas and offer support. Sharing experiences and learning from others can make your journey toward animal-friendly resolutions more enjoyable and sustainable. 

Join our community of animal advocates on Facebook, Instagram, or X.   

5. Support animal sanctuaries 🐄 

Contribute to or volunteer at your local farm animal sanctuaries. These organizations provide a safe haven for rescued animals, often those that have been abused, neglected, or abandoned. 

Animals at a farm sanctuary

6. Advocate for captive wildlife in Canada 🐘  

Ontario has a problem - due to a lack of provincial zoo regulations, there are over one thousand wild animals being held captive in degrading conditions in roadside zoos.   

Our experienced animal welfare experts visited 11 zoos, wildlife displays, and zoo-type exhibits housing wild animals across Ontario to research compliance in regulations and found that these roadside zoos seemingly fail to comply with numerous provisions in these regulations, leaving animals living in degrading and heartbreaking conditions.  

Speak out for captive wildlife in degrading roadside zoos. 

The Jane Goodall Act will change the lives of wild animals in Canada forever... but first, we need the bill to pass! With your support, we can urge the federal government to pass this monumental piece of legislation.   

Sign the petition 

7. Practice responsible tourism ✈️ 

When traveling, choose wildlife-friendly and ethical tourism activities. Avoid attractions that exploit animals for entertainment, such as elephant rides or dolphin shows

Join our community and stay in the know  

What are the biggest issues animals are facing right now and how can you help?   

Sign up for our email list to receive monthly updates on the biggest issues impacting animals, recent success stories, and how you can help. 


As we step into the New Year, let's embrace the opportunity to create positive change in the lives of animals.  

Remember that even the smallest of actions can collectively make a significant difference in improving the lives of animals. By setting animal-friendly resolutions, you not only contribute to the well-being of animals but also become part of a global movement towards a more sustainable and ethical future.  

Here's to a New Year filled with compassion, kindness, and positive change! 

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