Dog and Child

7 tips to protect your pet during the holiday season


The holiday season is upon us, which means special events and gatherings. It also means wintry weather and new potential risks for pets. Make sure to keep your pets' welfare top of mind to avoid excess stress and injuries.

1. Secure holiday decorations and keep them out of your pet's reach (don't forget electrical cords).

2. Ensure seasonal or holiday plants aren't poisonous for your pet to ingest (watch out for mistletoe and holly).



3. Provide your pet with a quiet place where they can go if they get stressed during holiday festivities (or off-key singing).

4. If you are traveling with your pet, do your research to ensure they will be safe and their needs can be met.


Pictured: Cats at a shelter we support

5. Always have a disaster plan and include your pet (don't wait until it's too late, find our tips here).

6. Have an emergency supply of food for your pet (winter storms can mean power outages or even evacuating).



7. Protect your pet from the cold (even with their fur, animals feel the cold too. When it's too cold for you, it's too cold for them).



Why not also include your pet in your New Year's resolution? Pets can be great motivators and spending more time with them will only strengthen your bond together.

If you’re looking for other ways that you can help animals, take a look at our World Animal Gifts (they make great holiday gifts and each comes with a free eCard).

Happy holidays to you and your pet!

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