A baby peccary

The amazing stories of animals you helped to rescue from fires in Brazil


Thanks to your support, World Animal Protection staff were able to travel to Brazil to carry out field monitoring, to evaluate the impact on wild animals, and to help rescue wild animals affected by the fires.

The devastating fires across Brazil caused wildlife like jaguars and anteaters to lose their habitat and so much more. Those that survived the fires had to flee and continued to face more obstacles on the journey to find a new home and new food sources.  

As of October 2022, our partners at the Instituto Ecótono, have received several baby animals who lost their parents and were dehydrated as a result of these destructive fires. 

Thanks to your generosity and compassion, we are able to support their rehabilitation, medical treatment, and eventual return to the wild, where they belong. Thanks to you, these animals get a second chance.  

Here are some of their stories: 

An orphaned jaguar cub

Photo: Wild animals care / UFMT SINOP

Xamã, the orphaned jaguar cub  

Xamã, a male jaguar cub less than six months old, was found alone on private property near a hydroelectric power plant - an area greatly affected by the fires.  

He was extremely weak when we was first admitted and would not have survived much longer on his own. Jaguars would naturally stay with their mom for two years, depending on her for food and protection.  

This little cub is currently undergoing treatment for rehabilitation and subsequent release.   

A baby deer under veterinary care

Photo: Wild animals care / UFMT SINOP

Naurú, the orphaned baby deer

Naurú, the baby deer, was found alone in an area where fires had recently burned. He was discovered without his mother, who sadly may have been separated or killed because of the fires. The farm workers who found him had been taking care of the young deer and feeding him with cow’s milk before he was brought to the treatment center.  

When Naurú arrived, he was very sick and needed hydration, intensive treatment, and a change of diet. Fortunately, after a few days, Naurú started to show some improvement and was able to stand up and walk alone.  

He is getting better and growing stronger with each day, which is why his care team chose to name him Naurú, which means warrior in the Tupi language. 

A baby peccary drinking from a bottle

Photo: Noelly Castro / World Animal Protection

Baby, the orphaned baby peccary 

Baby, a tiny baby peccary, was yet another victim of the fires, found all alone suspected of being orphaned. This tiny peccary is currently receiving care at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT) with the other orphans. 

Your support is making a difference for animals 

It is because of your commitment and belief that every animal deserves a life worth living, that World Animal Protection can find long-term sustainable solutions to stop animal exploitation, cruelty, and suffering. 

Together, we have achieved some amazing things for wild animals over the past 10 years. 

10 years of achievements for wildlife


With your help, we have achieved some amazing things for wild animals over the past 10 years.

10 years of achievements for farmed animals


With your help we have accomplished some amazing things for farmed animals over the past 10 years.

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