Cows on a feedlot

How a fairer finance system can help animals



Did you know that your money - whether it’s in a bank, pension fund or investment - can impact animals and the planet? We are working with financial institutions to highlight how protecting animals ties into creating a more sustainable and fair financial system.

We are working to make animal welfare a priority in sustainable finance. Our goal is to integrate animal welfare into environmental, social and governance (ESG) frameworks, while encouraging financial leaders to rethink the risks of industrial animal farming. By addressing this often-overlooked issue, we’re driving systemic change that benefits animals, people and the planet.

In 2024, we made sure animals had a voice at Canada’s leading responsible investment conferences. We highlighted to banks, pension funds, asset managers and investors how industrial animal farming threatens efforts to reduce emissions and reach our climate targets. We also tackled other critical issues linked to sustainable finance.

Here are some of the highlights from the year:

  • At the Sustainable Finance Summit in May in Montreal, we discussed the global welfare standards for farm animals with It is helpful to see what standards are adopted globally to push for stronger protections in Canada.

World Animal Protection at the Sustainable Finance Summit

  • At the Responsible Investment Association conference in Vancouver in June, we started conversations with ESG risk rating and data providers such as Sustainalytics, Morningstar, MSCI and RepRisk to encourage them to expand their animal mistreatment categories.
  • We had our first speaking role at the Responsible Investor conference in September. Our presentation focused on the risks of intensive animal farming, especially when trying to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net-zero. We co-presented with Toby Heaps from Corporate Knights, a Toronto-based company promoting sustainability through its magazine and global rankings.  We also facilitated a roundtable discussion called "The cow in the room: addressing industrial animal agriculture is a necessity for climate mitigation".
  • At the United Nations Principles on Responsible Investment (UNPRI) conference in October we attended the Farm Animal Investment Risk and Return Initiative’s (FAIRR) investor network breakfast to discuss how our food system connects to the climate and nature agenda.
  • We served on the advisory committee for the Sustainable Finance Forum in November (along with Parliamentary Secretary Ryan Turnbull, Barb Svan, Roger Beauchemin). We had a panelist role for “Agriculture & Climate: Innovative Financing for Impact”, a session discussing impact investment, sustainability, innovation and the opportunities for environmental non-governmental organizations to make our food systems more sustainable. We also had the chance to raise the climate emissions risks of industrial animal agriculture with key leaders in the sustainable finance space like Mark Carney Former Governor of the Bank of Canada!

Regina Flores, Mark Carney and Colin SaravanamuttooFrom left to right: Regina Flores, Mark Carney and Colin Saravanamuttoo 

Animal welfare is an intersectional global issue and we cannot leave animals and our planet off the finance sector's agenda. As a result of our campaigning and advocacy, more representatives from the finance sector are rethinking the various risks of investing in factory farms. It’s encouraging to see that interest and support for animal welfare concerns is increasing in the responsible investor space in Canada thanks to our work.

Looking ahead to 2025

As we look ahead to 2025, your remains key to advancing animal welfare globally. We’ll keep pushing for animals to have a stronger voice in the finance sector and ensure responsible investment considers their welfare.

Together, we can make a difference for animals, people and the planet. Join our community to stay connected and discover new ways you can help protect animals everywhere.

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