Siobhan’s Thai Coconut Curry
World Animal Protection would love to introduce our newest ambassador, Siobhan Williams! Siobhan is a Canadian actress, singer, and passionate animal advocate. She kindly wanted to share her favourite winter recipe - Coconut Thai Curry! Check it out!
World Animal Protection would love to introduce our newest ambassador, Siobhan Williams!
Siobhan is a Canadian actress, singer, and passionate animal advocate. She kindly wanted to share her favourite winter recipe with us to show that eating plant-based doesn’t have to compromise your tastebuds, and in fact, eating more plants isn’t only good for your health, it’s good for animals and the planet too!
I wanted to share how I make one of my favourite meals with you! It’s a veggie Thai curry that’s easy to make and is sooooo satisfying. This recipe will help everyone realize how tasty and simple meals without meat can be – you really won’t miss it at all.
Did you know that for every meatless day you incorporate into your life, you reduce your carbon output by 4 kgs (9 lbs)? That means if you start doing meatless Mondays you’d save sending almost 500 lbs of carbon into the atmosphere every year. You’ll also be actively helping resist the inhumane practice of factory farming – one of the darkest industries so many of us choose to turn a blind eye to.
I challenge you to incorporate ONE more meatless meal into your current diet than you already do! If you do meatless Mondays – how about adding one more day?Even this small change will make a profound effect on the environment and push us away from factory farming and more towards ethical, smaller, family-run businesses.
Siobhan’s Thai Coconut Curry
Prep time: 30 mins | Serves 4
- 1 small onion
- 1 tbsp cooking oil (avocado, coconut, grapeseed, olive etc.)
- 3 cloves garlic, minced
- 1 inch ginger, minced
- 4 tbsp red Thai curry paste
- 1 can coconut milk
- ¾ tsp salt
- 2 tbsp brown sugar
- 1 tbsp sriracha
- 4 tbsp peanut butter (optional)
- 1 lime
- Assorted veggies – broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms, baby corn, bell peppers, baby bok choi, zucchinis, whatever you like!
- 1 cup tofu (optional)
- 1/3 cup cashews (optional)
- Fresh, chopped cilantro & green onions for garnish
- 1 package rice noodles
Photo courtesy of Siobhan Williams
To make:
- Chop onion and place in non-stick saucepan or frying pan on medium-low. Cook until translucent.
- Add veggies from crunchiest to softest (start with broccoli, mushrooms or cauliflower. Finish with bell peppers etc). Cook until they start to soften.
- Add minced garlic, ginger, and curry paste to the veggies. Mix and cook for 2 mins.
- Stir in the can of coconut milk.
- Boil enough water to pour over rice noodles in a bowl or saucepan. Let sit for 5-6 mins (or follow instructions on package)
- Add salt, brown sugar, sriracha, and peanut butter to the curry (as well as cashews & tofu if using). Let cook for several minutes while noodles soften.
- Drain noodles, portion them into 4 bowls.
- Add juice from ½ the lime to curry. Serve over top of noodles in bowls.
- Garnish with lots of green onions, cilantro, and a lime wedge.
- Congrats on making a delicious, healthy, satisfying meal that doesn’t subsidize the cruelest industry in the world – factory farming!!
Looking to add more meatless meals to your week?
Sign up for our “Plan Meatless Better” campaign to receive a free, personalized recipe plan that will help you add a meatless day to your week. Simply answer a few short questions about your favourite foods and your meatless recipes will be sent directly to your inbox!