A kitten on a windowsill

Working from home: our new coworkers



As we transition to working from home and practice social distancing, we are enjoying the company of our new, furry coworkers! Let us introduce you...

Meet Gus, Rocky, and Bella!


"Here are my furry coworkers - Gus, Rocky and Bella. They are completely useless at working, do not have a sense of humor and take frequent naps. I avoid them at nap time as I may end up having a snooze too!" - Sharon

This is Pudding!


"She’s a bad coworker because she 'thinks outside the box' sometimes, if you know what I mean!" - Beth

Colombo makes a very good assistant!

Colin and his dog, Colombo

- Colin

Ollie is very good at fetch and naps!

Ollie the corgi playing fetch
Ollie the corgi napping

"Here’s Ollie – this is his face when I tell him I have to stop playing and get back to post-analysis. He’s quite the distraction, but sleeps well after a good round of fetch." - Johnson

Life lessons from Fat Kitty!


"She’s a good coworker because she dresses for the job she wants (a watermelon), not the job she has!" - Beth

Hermione is a very strict kitty!


"This is Hermione, bad workmate: A micro-manager that insists on keeping the trains running on time!" - Cass

Bailey the protector


"Bailey lets me know if there is anyone at the door and stays by my side to ensure I am safe." - Kay

Meet Sri-Lanka and Shangri-La!


- Jason

Do you have a new furry coworker? Send us a photo on Twitter or Facebook!

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