Egg-laying hens
Egg-laying hens are among the most common farm animals worldwide, with a staggering number raised annually for their eggs.
Eggs have been a crucial part of human diets for thousands of years, valued for their rich protein, vitamins, and minerals content. Archaeological findings reveal that humans have consumed eggs since at least 6,000 years ago, marking their significance across various cultures and cuisines.
However, the intensification of farming systems over time has drastically altered the way we keep and farm egg-laying hens, leading to numerous welfare issues. Here's an in-depth look at these challenges and the path towards higher welfare solutions.

In many commercial egg productions, hens are kept in restrictive environments like battery cages or enriched cages. These small spaces hinder natural behaviors such as wing stretching, perching, dust bathing, and foraging, leading to physical ailments like weakened bones and behavioral disorders.
Beak trimming
To manage feather pecking and cannibalism in confined spaces, beak trimming is commonly practiced, causing long-term health issues like chronic pain and feeding difficulties.
Selective breeding
Selective breeding for higher egg production often results in health problems for the hens, including osteoporosis and reproductive issues.
Early mortality
Due to the intense nature of commercial egg production, many hens suffer from premature mortality, attributed to stress and health complications.

High welfare solutions
Choosing cage-free
Cage-free systems, such as free-range, aviary, or pasture-raised, allow hens to engage in natural behaviors, improving their overall wellbeing. These systems not only benefit the hens but also potentially improve egg quality and have less environmental impact.
Urging companies to do better
Major food companies, influenced by consumers and animal welfare organizations, are increasingly committing to 100% cage-free eggs. This shift promises a significant improvement in the lives of millions of hens.
Our choices matter
Every purchase decision at the grocery store can impact egg-laying hens' welfare. Understanding egg labels is crucial; "organic" and "free-range" indicate better living conditions, while "cage-free" and "pasture-raised" suggest even higher welfare standards.
Visualizing the change
Through comparative infographics and images, we can visualize the stark differences in hens' lives between various farming systems, reinforcing the importance of our choices.
Reports and resources
The case against cages: This World Animal Protection report advocates for cage-free systems, underscoring the detriments of caging hens.
Read report: The case against cages: Why cage-free systems are better for laying hens
Buying eggs in Canada: Our guide explains egg carton labels in Canada, empowering you to make informed decisions supporting animal welfare.
Be an advocate for change
By choosing cage-free eggs and supporting companies that prioritize animal welfare, we send a powerful message to the egg industry. Additionally, advocating for animal welfare in our communities can amplify this impact.
Together, we can create a future where egg-laying hens are treated with the compassion and respect they deserve, aligning our dietary choices with our values for animal welfare.