Impact for animals

Your support is making a real difference for animals.

You are making real and lasting change happen. It is because of your commitment and belief that every animal deserves a life worth living, that World Animal Protection can find long-term sustainable solutions to stop animal exploitation, cruelty and suffering. Thank you!

Here are some of the latest good news stories you have made possible:

You have made 8 Wildlife Heritage Areas possible!

Thanks to your support, our first certified Wildlife Heritage Areas, showcasing a commitment to ethical wildlife tourism and conservation, have launched. These are places where wildlife and communities can thrive together in harmony. Find out more about these amazing places and this sustainable solution for wildlife in tourism, click here

You are helping to advocate for animals on Parliament Hill

In October, our team met with Members of Parliament and federal decision-makers for two days to advocate for wildlife protection and improving the lives of farmed animals. It’s because of your ongoing support that the team could discuss wildlife and farming issues such as the Jane Goodall ActPandemic Prevention and Preparedness Act, the government’s role in addressing the impacts of industrial animal agriculture on climate change, the overuse of antibiotics in farming and more. Thank you!

You are helping to make progress with Groupon

Thanks to your support, we are happy to share that we have made contact with the CEO and he has agreed to meet with us in the next few months. This is a crucial step towards urging Groupon to stop selling deals to cruel wildlife entertainment. Thank you for your help with this campaign and for using your voice to protect animals. Stay tuned for what happens next!

You are helping to end the sale of wild animals at PetSmart

Two years after launching our campaign urging PetSmart to stop the sale of wild animals as pets, World Animal Protection is now in conversation with key staff members about this animal welfare issue. Your continued support has made this possible and brings us one step closer to getting a commitment from PetSmart to phase out the sale of reptiles and amphibians in their stores.

Read about more wins for animals

A better future for farm animals and wildlife

While there are many good things happening for animals at this time, there is still more work to be done to improve their lives.

To make real and lasting change possible, it takes time to bring together experts, meet with company and government officials, identify opportunities, explore long-term solutions, share findings and ultimately put an end to the suffering of animals. 

World Animal Protection is focused on transforming the global systems that cause immense suffering to animals. By addressing the root causes of animal suffering, we can make the biggest difference for the greatest number of animals.

Together with amazing supporters like you we will ensure farm animals live good lives by transforming the food system as well as stop wild animals from being cruelly exploited as commodities by changing the systems that allow it.

With your ongoing support, World Animal Protection is:

  • Uniting governments and businesses to end the wildlife trade. 
  • Moving the Canadian government to commit to curbing the commercial wildlife trade and to champion wildlife protection at global policy forums.
  • Working to stop wild animals from being cruelly exploited as commodities for entertainment, Traditional Asian Medicine (TAM) or as exotic pets.
  • Providing funding to sanctuaries to feed and care for rescued animals like bears and elephants.
  • Working to ban the prophylactic use of antibiotics in farming and encouraging governments and leading food companies to adopt better farm animal welfare policies.
  • Moving people to consider eating less meat and more plant-based foods to help reduce the world’s dependence on factory farming.
  • Exposing how factory farming contributes to climate change and biodiversity loss.
  • Working to change global financial investment systems that are fueling factory farming expansion. 

2023 Global Review

The Global Review is full of amazing wins for animals you’ve helped make possible. You can read about successes from all over the world, including Canada. Thank you for your continued support and commitment to tackle the biggest issues affecting the most number of animals.