A happy dog in a shelter in Brazil.

10 very good pups we've met around the world


Dogs are loving, loyal, and make great best friends. Here's a roundup of some of the very good pups we've met around the world!

Whether it be through our disaster response work, or through rabies vaccination drives, we get to meet a lot of dogs! Here are just some of the pups that put smiles on our faces.

1. This newly vaccinated puppy

Young boys petting a dog in Mombasa.

In September 2019, we carried out vaccinations for 1000 dogs, and neutered 31, in Mombasa, Kenya as part of World Rabies Day actions. The vaccination drive was part of a series across Kenya, through which we vaccinated 1858 dogs!

2. This very fluffy, vaccinated pup

A young boy posing with his dog in Mombasa.

We also met this pup in Kenya while conducting vaccination drives for World Rabies Day last fall.

3. This happy pup in Brazil

A happy dog at a vaccination drive in Brazil.

Our vaccination drive in Brazil last fall took place at a public school called Maria Quiteria in a suburban neighbourhood of Sao Paulo. The drive also aimed to raise awareness of rabies, behaviour of dogs, and responsible pet ownership.

4. This grateful dog, rescued from forest fires

A dog rescued from the Amazon fires.

Last year, during the Amazon fires, we deployed to affected fire zones and worked with fire departments, CETAS and other local NGOs to assess their needs and explore how the fire is impacting animals. We visited a dog and cat shelter called Resgatanimal that received a lot of stray animals with coughing and wheezing from the smoke.

5. This very tired pup

A dog waits at the vaccination drive.

It's hard work waiting to be vaccinated against rabies!

6. This pup that isn't a pup at all!

Sergio Vásquez, Disaster Response Officer, trains police officers and dog handlers.

Our disaster response team provided training to the K9 unit dog handlers of the Municipal Police of San José. The training covered concepts in animal welfare for working dogs, first aid and CPR. Now, these police officers and dog handlers have more tools to protect and provide the needed care to these hero dogs!

7. This brave pup about to be vaccinated

A young boy bringing his dog to be vaccinated

In August 2018 World Animal Protection was in Makueni County, Kenya to oversee a small rabies vaccination drive being carried out in the area.

8. This dog whose ears are its best feature

Pupi, one of the community dogs in Sierra Leone.

In June 2018, we visited Freetown in Sierra Leone to observe a stray dog project that we support. We are working alongside local partner, The Sierra Leone Animal Welfare Society (SLAWS) to vaccinate dogs against rabies, and prevent the unnecessary killing of dogs.

9. This very photogenic pup

A dog awaiting vaccination in Ghana.

Our work to protect dogs and give them better lives is inspiring change in several African countries. In Ghana, the government launched its first ever project to prevent rabies. Thousands of dogs have since been vaccinated against rabies.

10. Bonus! Three very good pups in one photo

A young boy brings his tiny friends to get vaccinated.

 In June 2019, we worked with our partners KSPCA, and carried out a weekend vaccination drive and mobile veterinary clinic for up to 1000 estimated dogs living in the Kibera slum town of Nairobi. The dogs were also treated, de-wormed and given birth control services.

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