Canadian Parliament

Bill C-293 passes to Committee: What's next?


The Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness Act (PPPA) has passed to the House Standing Committee on Health. Here's what's next for the bill and the advocacy efforts needed to get it to the next stage.

We’re thrilled to see the House of Commons pass Bill C-293 to committee. The bill would create a Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness Act and require the government to take a One Health One Welfare approach to address key pandemic drivers like the commercial wildlife trade and wildlife markets. 

Bill C-293 was narrowly passed by Members of Parliament (MPs), showing our efforts are still critical in Canada to push for legislation that can help end the commercial wildlife trade and wildlife markets. We want to thank everyone who took action to help get this bill passed, to Committee. 

What happens next? 

Committee hearings 

The bill has now been referred to the House Standing Committee on Health, where MPs will review the bill and may propose amendments. All major parties are represented on the Committee, making it a crucial stage for building support for the bill.  

The Committee will hear from government officials, outside experts, and impacted stakeholders, who will present their positions and answer questions Committee members might have. The Committee will then proceed to a "clause-by-clause" review of the bill, where amendments may be considered. 

We are hopeful for the bill's success, but we also recognize the potential for the bill's animal protection provisions to be weakened. Our team will be following the Committee hearings on this bill closely to understand who we need to convince and what evidence is needed to persuade Committee Members of the importance of protecting animals to prevent future pandemics. 

Our team will be requesting meetings with all of the Committee Members to share the scientific evidence supporting a One Health, One Welfare approach to addressing the root causes of pandemic risk. We will also apply to be witnesses and testify at the committee hearings. Scientific experts who understand the role of animal welfare in mitigating zoonotic diseases and pandemic risk will also be mobilized to testify at Committee. 

Report Stage and Third Reading 

Following the Committee's review, the bill will likely go back to the House of Commons for the Report Stage and Third Reading, where amendments may also be proposed. If it passes Third Reading, it will then go through a similar process in the Senate before it is hopefully passed to become law. We are thrilled to see the bill moving forward. 

What is the Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness Act, and why should we care?


The Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness Act will help to curb the commercial wildlife trade and factory farming in order to prevent future pandemics. It will also help prevent animal suffering and biodiversity loss.

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