Celebrity Chef Christine Cushing chooses cage-free eggs

Celebrity Chef Christine Cushing chooses cage-free eggs


Celebrity Chef Christine Cushing chooses cage-free eggs Cushing joins World Animal Protection's campaign for kinder eggs

Celebrity Chef Christine Cushing today announced her partnership with World Animal Protection to encourage consumers to "Choose Cage-Free." The Food Network Canada trailblazer, cookbook author and entrepreneur also released a video to encourage consumers to buy eggs from hens that are raised in cage-free housing.

"When I'm cooking, I always start with the very best ingredients. And I know that raising hens in cramped cages can't produce the best eggs," said Cushing. "Cage-free hens have space to move around, spread their wings, and be what they are — healthy, happy chickens, producing healthy, wholesome eggs. To me, it's a clear and easy choice."

Cushing adds her voice to the campaign at an important time when consumers are seeking more transparency in how their food is produced and trends and demand for local, sustainable and humane food is increasing.

"We have found that most consumers are unaware of the terrible hen welfare issues associated with cages and that nearly half of all egg buyers would purchase a different brand if they discovered a product was made from animals that suffered," said Josey Kitson, Executive Director, World Animal Protection Canada. "We are thrilled to have Christine Cushing join our campaign and know that her passion for this cause will help convince everyone that cage-free is the right choice."


Almost all of the egg-laying hens in Canada and the US live in small cages on large factory farms. Each has the space about the size of an iPad. These 300 million hens can barely move or turn around and are often bruised, battered and stressed, which can make them more vulnerable to infections and bacteria like Salmonella.

"Cage-free eggs are a more wholesome choice for your family. That's why I urge people to choose cage-free, every time, and to tell their friends and neighbours to join the flock of those who support cruelty-free food," said Cushing.

To learn more or take the Cage-Free Pledge, please visit www.choosecagefree.org or like the campaign at www.facebook.com/choosecagefree.

Cage-free eggs are a more wholesome choice for your family. That's why I urge people to choose cage-free, every time

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