The endangered Indian pangolin

China fails to fully remove pangolins from its medicines list


Policy loopholes pose risk to these endangered wild animals

Earlier this month, the Chinese government upgraded pangolins to the highest level of protection. They also removed pangolins from being used as a raw material from the pharmacopoeia, the list of approved medicine for Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Endangered animals

This was a welcomed step in the right direction, as these animals suffer terribly as a result of the demand for pangolin products in Traditional Medicine, which is a type of wildlife trade. Pangolins are in fact the single most illegally trafficked mammal in the world.

A wild pangolin

Image: a wild pangolin. Credit: Getty Images.

Used as medicine

However, we are disappointed to see that pangolin ingredients are still allowed in a few patent medicines. This tragic contradiction will continue to drive the demand and illegal trade of pangolins in future. In 2019 alone, Chinese customs confiscated an enormous 123 tonnes of pangolin scales

Loopholes putting animals at risk

This is not the first time that a policy loophole has been created that encourages the illegal trade. Previously, wild animal materials have been removed from the pharmacopeia but they have remained listed as ingredients in some patent drugs. This has happened with bears and leopards

Pangolin scales close-up

Pangolins deserve protection

The Chinese government must overhaul relevant policies, destroy the stockpiles of pangolin scales and phase-out patent drugs containing pangolin, bear, and leopard parts, to provide these animals the level of protection they deserve

Help us keep them safe

Our China office is urging relevant local agencies to address this policy gap.

Curbing the wildlife trade is critical to preventing animal suffering, species extinction, biodiversity loss and future pandemics. Sign our petition urging the Government of Canada to support and champion a global wildlife trade ban:

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