Saving animals in times of disaster

Heading to "Pet City" to help 3,000 animals in need


At least 3,000 animals - dogs, horses cattle and poultry - are in need of relief food in Mascota (Pet) City following flooding caused by Hurricane Patricia. World Animal Protection is on it's way to help!

As previously reported, the impact of Hurricane Patricia was not as damaging as had been feared. Thanks to the emergency prepardness efforts of the Mexican government and our work with them to ensure that animals were included in emergency protocals, the impact on animals has been minimal.

However, even after the storm had blown through, the government warned everyone to stay vigilant in case of flooding or mudslides - after effects of the massive rainfall. And they weren't wrong.

Hours after our assesment team had gone through Mascota City (which translates to Pet City), we were asked by the governemnt to return to help provide relief food for over 3,000 animals that are now victims of a recently overflowing river. It appears that a late mudslide further upstream had caused the flooding. And of couse we said yes.

Our team, along with our partners from the University of Guadalajara Vetrinary School, will be heading back to Pet City first thing tomorrow morning with pet food, and animal fodder and to examine the health of the animals once again to ensure that no animal is at risk.

Being able to act quickly in situations like this simply would not be possible without the help of our supporters.

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