A monkey rescued from cruelty

Monkeys rescued from cruelty


Thanks to your generosity, 21 monkeys have been saved from a life of cruelty at a dancing monkey training centre in Indonesia. But our work isn’t done yet—together, we will ensure all 30 are rescued and given the freedom they deserve.

This September, with the dedicated support of animal lovers like you, we supported Jakarta Animal Aid Network (JAAN) in the first stage of work to shut down a dancing monkey training center in Indonesia. Together, we are fighting to eradicate this cruel practice and offer alternative livelihoods to the handlers, creating a future where no monkey has to suffer for entertainment.

So far, we have supported JAAN in relocating 21 monkeys to their rehabilitation centre, where they will receive the care they need to heal. We are committed to making sure all 30 monkeys at this training village are rescued and given a second chance at life.

Each of these monkeys has a story of survival, and these are just a few of the faces your kindness helped to save:


Images courtesy of Jakarta Animal Aid Network.

It's heartwarming to know that their journey to freedom has begun. Soon, these monkeys will be able to connect with each other and live the wild lives they truly deserve. 

Jono before his rescue. Image courtesy of Jakarta Animal Aid Network.

Monkeys like Jono.

Jono, a male long tailed macaque, endured unimaginable suffering from infancy. Trained to perform tricks for tourists as a 'dancing monkey', his days were filled with abuse and neglect.

But now, thanks to your support, Jono is safe at JAAN’s rehabilitation centre.

He is currently in quarantine, undergoing medical examinations to ensure he gets all the care he needs. Jono is already showing signs of recovery, enjoying his meals, especially enjoying the banana, mango and snake fruit!

Your ongoing generosity will help Jono, and the other rescued monkeys, continue on their road to recovery, ensuring they receive all the medical care and rehabilitation they need to thrive.

Without your compassion and dedication, none of this would be possible. You are changing the lives of these monkeys, one rescue at a time.  

Together, we are building a future where animals are no longer exploited for entertainment. 

Stay tuned for more updates. 🐒

Banner photo: Boy, the rescued monkey, in quarantine at the JAAN rehab center. Image courtesy of Jakarta Animal Aid Network. 

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