2 rescued bears walking in the Romanian bear sanctuary

Moving the world to help animals in 2017


Thanks to you – our wonderful supporters – 2017 was another huge step towards a world where animals live free from suffering

Once again, your support gave hope and protection to so many animals around the world.

Below are just a few heart-warming highlights from this year.

Wild animals had you looking out for them

  • You helped raise the funds to build two secure night enclosures for the elephants at Boon Lott’s Elephant Sanctuary (BLES) in Thailand. The sanctuary rescues elephants from abuse in the tourist entertainment industry and these enclosures will keep them safe throughout the night.
  • You also helped sterilize all known bears used for bile in South Korea, signalling the end of this horrifically cruel industry in the country.
  • Thanks to you, nine more bears found safety at our supporter-funded bear sanctuary in Pakistan, supported by our local partner the Bioresource Centre.
  • You helped remove 7,702 square metres of illegal abandoned fishing nets from the Gulf of Mexico, the home of the critically endangered vaquita porpoise.
  • Along with 250,000+ other supporters around the world, you helped move Instagram, one of the biggest social media sites, to educate its users around the suffering wildlife selfies can cause to animals.

Thanks to you, there was hope for animals when their need was greatest

  • When Hurricane Irma tore across the Caribbean, closely followed by Hurricane Maria, your support meant our teams could deploy to the hardest hit islands to care for the animals. They were injured, confused and hungry. You helped tend to their wounds, provide food and reunite them with their owners. You gave hope to more than 50,000+ animals in need.
  • You helped deliver lifesaving emergency nutrition packs animals in Mongolia battling through the dzud, the harsh winter following a severe summer drought. Your help directly benefited 144,400+ sheep, goats, cows and horses. Without you, many would have perished of starvation.

With your support, countless farm animals will lead better lives

  • Your support is helping 430,000 dairy cows and buffaloes by convincing India’s third largest dairy company, Kwality Dairy India, to commit to our Dairy Welfare Leadership Alliance.
  • And you’re giving 250,000 pigs a better life as Betagro, one of Thailand’s leading pig producers, announced it will phase out two types of cruel and confining cages for mother pigs across its farms by 2027.

You’re empowering people and dogs to live happily and safely side by side

  • Vaccination drives in both Sierra Leone and Kenya, helped to create herd immunity from rabies, protecting dogs and people from the deadly disease.
  • You also helped build and run a brand-new vet clinic and rehabilitation centre for our partner Save the Dogs in Romania. Save the Dogs helps vulnerable dogs rescued from the streets and in the new clinic they will have the proper space and hygiene standards they need.

None of this would have been possible without you. Thank you again for joining us to move the world to protect animals.

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