Mundi needs our help: rescuing an elephant from exploitation
Mundi, an African elephant stolen from the wild as a young calf, has been suffering in isolation for almost 40-years. World Animal Protection has the opportunity to rescue her and bring her to a sanctuary, but we need your support!
For years, Mundi and the other animals at a Puerto Rico zoo have been suffering in silence.
When the US Department of Agriculture cancelled the zoo’s exhibitor’s license in 2018, after citing dozens of abhorrent animal welfare violations, there was hope for Mundi and she was about to be moved to the Elephant Refuge North America sanctuary (ERNA) in Georgia. Unfortunately, a change in the Puerto Rico government resulted in all contracts being cancelled, and all plans for Mundi’s rescue were halted. Mundi had to remain in isolation at the zoo.
Recently, the Department of Justice ordered the zoo’s full closure and the urgent relocation of its remaining animals to reputable sanctuaries and better homes. This is where World Animal Protection and ERNA have stepped in and why we need your help today.
We are urgently raising the funds for Mundi’s rescue. World Animal Protection supporters from around the world are pitching in. Will you help us reach our Canadian goal contribution of $33,000 to save Mundi and help other elephants break free from the chains of suffering and exploitation? Give them the life of freedom and respect they deserve!
Will you help us save Mundi and give her the life she deserves?
Mundi in her current enclosure at the Puerto Rico Zoo. Photo: Elephant Aid International
Your generous gifts will help us to:
- Upgrade the sanctuary facilities for the additional elephant, including barn modifications, security cameras, stall sand, an expanded fencing and gate system, the construction of a pond and mud wallow, and a solar powered well.
- Transport Mundi from the zoo to the sanctuary.
- Provide ongoing care for Mundi including veterinary care, food, and security.
Sadly, Mundi is just one of many animals suffering in cruel captive situations purely for profit and entertainment. While we are thrilled to be given the opportunity to save Mundi, there is still much work to be done to protect other animals in the animal entertainment industry. We will continue fighting cruelty wherever we find it and work towards changing how animals are treated for tourism forever.
Banner image: Elephant Aid International