A bear in a sanctuary sits in the grass

Some good news for animal welfare in Canada


Fighting for animal protection can be an emotionally challenging endeavor. More than often, we are revealing the heartbreaking realities of animal suffering. However, amidst all the negativity, there are positive events and milestones that highlight the impact people are making, providing hope and motivation to continue the fight for a better world for animals. Here are some of those good news stories:

The Jane Goodall Act 

Bill S-241, better known as The Jane Goodall Act, passed the first vote in the Senate on June 8th and is now going to committee for further study!  

So, what's next? There are still a few stages ahead of this bill before it is passed, but there is broad support from animal welfare groups, zoos, scientists, celebrities, Indigenous groups, Members of Parliament (MPs), and Senators to get it passed.  We will be keeping you updated as the bill moves forward. 
Read more about Bill S-241, the role we played in this legislation, as well as how it will change the lives of animals in Canada, with your support. 

The Climate Aligned Finance Act  

Bill S-243, The Climate Aligned Finance Act, also passed on June 8th in the Senate and is going to committee. We were one of the many organizations that supported this bill.  

If passed, this bill would require federal financial institutions and federally regulated entities like Canada’s big banks, trusts and insurance companies to develop action plans and targets that align with Canada’s climate commitments. Since animal agriculture is a significant contributor of greenhouse gas emissions, we will work to ensure the bill passes into law and shifts investments away from intensive animal agriculture and instead towards plant-based, climate-friendly and more humane farming.  

(This law would help us pressure financial institutions towards reducing investments in climate intensive livestock and factory farming, thereby reducing animal suffering. In the flurry of developments at the nexus of climate change and finance, World Animal Protection is ensuring that animal's voices are represented).  

Ontario’s roadside zoos problem  

Last year we released our shocking report, Nothing new at the zoo, which shed light on the inhumane conditions endured by animals in roadside zoos across Ontario. 

As of June 2023, we are pleased to report that our efforts have resulted in concrete action. The Ontario PAWS inspectorate has issued orders and filed charges against zoos, responding to our report and complaints filed last September.  

We have also been able to leverage our investigative work to bring much-needed attention to this issue. You can watch our Campaign Director, Melissa Matlow, speaking about the need for Ontario zoo regulations on TVO’s The Agenda. 

Melissa also appeared on CP24 speaking about charges being laid at Marineland for the inhumane care of their bears.

Learn more about our work to end wildlife entertainment by checking out our webinar.

Commercial wildlife trade 

Our Wildlife Campaign Manager, Michèle Hamers, co-authored a research paper on Canada’s import of wild animals and zoonotic diseases which was recently published in one of Canada’s leading journals. This is the first study of this kind in Canada and demonstrates why we need the Canadian government to curb the commercial wildlife trade. It would not only prevent animal suffering and extinction but also reduce disease risk 

The Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness Act 

Earlier this year, you helped us get enough votes to pass Bill C-293, The Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness Act to the Health Committee. If the bill isn’t watered down at Committee, and passes into law, it would require the federal government to pass regulations to restrict and phase out activities that contribute to pandemic risk, including the commercial wildlife trade and factory farming. This would be a big win for animals and the environment as these industries also cause immense animal suffering and biodiversity loss. We've been fighting to ban wildlife markets and curb the global commercial wildlife trade since 2020. This bill brings us one step closer to the government finally taking action on this issue. 
The Health Committee received an extension to continue studying Bill C-293 – The Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness Act in September. This is good news as they were running out of time to get to it before the House recessed for the summer. We made a submission to the Health Committee on why we support the bill and why it is critical they pass it. We hope to be called in as a witness to testify at committee in the fall. 

End-of-life dairy cows 

Your support has helped draw attention to the welfare of end-of-life ("cull") dairy cows in Canada. Our report, Milking the cow: the fate of Canadian cull dairy cows, sheds light on the distressing conditions and suffering frequently endured by these vulnerable animals.  

We have been able to amplify our efforts to address the welfare concerns surrounding cull dairy cows. Our report serves as a powerful tool in advocating for their well-being and driving positive change in the industry. Watch our Farming Campaign Manager, Lynn Kavanagh, speak with Global TV on World Milk Day about the report.  

Read the latest on the updates to Canada's Code of Practice for Dairy Cows

Read Lynn’s piece published in the National Observer, “A dairy cow’s sad, final days”. 

The lack of environmental regulations for factory farms 

An in-depth article about our recent report with AEL Advocacy on the lack of environmental regulations to restrict factory farming was published in the National, a Canadian Bar Association publication.  

We hosted a webinar with AEL Advocacy on June 22, moderated by the author of that article - journalist and lawyer, Holly Lake, which was attended by government representatives, lawyers, animal and environmental groups, and rural residents fighting the expansion of factory farming in their community. We hope the report and webinar informs and inspires a larger movement to help us end factory farming. 

Canada announces new regulations to ban the elephant ivory and rhino horn trade 

We applaud the Canadian government for proposing new regulations to ban the elephant ivory and rhino horn trade in Canada and the import of hunting trophies made from these parts. We signed on to HSI/Canada’s campaign urging the Canadian government to do its part to end this cruel trade that threatens the species’ survival. You can support the passage of these regulations by signing HSI/Canada’s petition. 

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Banner image: World Animal Protection / Tom Svensson 

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