What's on your plate?

What's on your plate?

There are 20 times more farm animals than people in Canada but a drive through the countryside doesn't give you that impression.

The problem: factory farming

Most Canadian farm animals spend their lives crammed into tiny pens, battery cages or crates inside windowless barns. They are fed unnatural diets, antibiotics and suffer painful mutilations like de-beaking and tooth breaking so they can be kept at huge numbers on intensive livestock operations (ILOs), also known as "factory farms". 

The solution

World Animal Protection works with governments and corporations to improve regulations and best practices to protect farm animals.

We encourage you to learn about how your food is raised, and demand high standards wherever you buy food.

Our work

We have released a report, What's on your plate? The hidden costs of industrial animal agriculture in Canada that exposes the destructive impacts of ILOs on our health, the environment, animal welfare and rural Canada.

Download report: What's on your plate? The Hidden Costs of Industrial Animal Agriculture in Canada