Is it a genuine wildlife sanctuary?

How to know if the sanctuary you want to visit is a genuine one that puts the animals' welfare first.

Where did the animals come from?

A good sanctuary... 

  • Does not take animals from the wild unless they are injured 
  • Does not sell animals or animal parts
  • Does not breed animals unless they are being released into the wild
  • Doesn’t accept more animals under its care than it can humanely manage

What is the sanctuary’s purpose?

A good sanctuary...

  • Does not use wild animals for entertainment (rides, shows or tricks)
  • Does not keep wild animals to make a profit
  • Exists to rescue and help animals 

How are the animals kept and cared for?

A good sanctuary...

  • Has properly trained staff that know how to care for all of the animals properly
  • Has veterinarians available at any hour to treat the animals that become sick or hurt
Bears of Libearty Sanctuary
Rescued bears at Libearty Bear Sanctuary | Photo: AMP

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