Vote for Animals

In preparation for the potential of a federal election being called soon, World Animal Protection has sent a survey to the five main political parties to highlight where each of the parties stand on our current priority animal welfare issues.

View survey (PDF)

Stay tuned, we will share their responses here once received.

A collage of animal faces

They can't vote. But you can.

Urge your MP to support World Animal Protection’s election platform proposals—the biggest opportunity to help animals in the next federal election.

Vote for Animals

Is animal welfare an election issue?

According to an October 2024 Nanos poll: 

  • 84% of Canadians support or somewhat support stronger laws to reduce the commercial trade in wild animals.   
  • Three in five Canadians support or somewhat support reducing factory farming even if it could raise the price of meat and dairy or slow down economic growth. 
  • 43% of Canadians would be more likely to vote for a political party at the upcoming election if they support stronger animal protection laws and policies.  

Frequently asked questions

How do I vote?/Where do I vote?

You can find all the information you need to vote here:

Which party should I vote for to help animals?

We encourage you to look at all of the information submitted in response to our questions and choose the party that best aligns with your views. 

Which party do you support?

We support policies that help improve animal welfare and will gladly work with all parties or government official in the mission to gives all animals in Canada a life worth living. 

Why are World Animal Protection’s platform proposals focused on the wildlife trade, promoting plant-based food and addressing antimicrobial resistance?

World Animal Protection’s 10-year strategy is squarely focused on addressing the biggest issues of our time that cause the highest number of animals to suffer: the wildlife trade and factory farming. Government action to halt and reverse these two systems and implement policies to transition towards community-led wildlife friendly tourism and humane and sustainable agriculture would not alleviate the suffering of millions of animals, it would also help Canada address the climate and biodiversity crisis and pandemic risk.

Our platform proposals were carefully drafted after years of MP and government engagement, including success during the last federal election. We believe they offer very practical and achievable next steps that all 5 of the main political parties could get behind.  

What about other animal welfare issues?

Our election survey covers the issues that support our priority program areas. However, we encourage you to speak to your electoral candidates about the other issues you care about. World Animal Protection is also working in coalition with other animal welfare organizations in Canada to encourage all political parties to consider other animal welfare commitments and we will be co-hosting an all party animal welfare debate where various animal welfare issues will be discussed. Stay tuned for more updates on this.

Learn more

How to protect animals in the next federal election


Take action for animals this election – urge your MP to make animal protection a priority.

Farmed animals

Our global food production is pushing us to a tipping point. Each year, we farm 70 billion animals for food globally, and tragically, two-thirds of them are raised on factory farms.


Wildlife has the right to a wild life, with animals free from any form of cruel exploitation and thriving within abundant natural habitat that is humanely protected, for the benefit of all.