A serval cat in the wild

Gifts in a Will

A gift in your Will can help make the world kinder for animals far into the future

Many animal lovers like you have found that leaving a legacy gift to World Animal Protection has been the most caring thing they could do for animals.

Individuals who give a gift through their will are part of a very special group of Canadians who have stepped forward to be a “guardian” to protect animals. As a World Animal Guardian, you can be sure your gift will help animals for future generations.

How to leave a gift for animals in your Will

Becoming a World Animal Guardian has never been easier. You can now write your Will online in as little as 20 minutes, through our partnership with Epilogue. Receive a 20% discount on your Will today*.

Your lasting gift of love for animals is a click away.

Complete your Will today 

*By writing your Will online with Epilogue you are not obligated to leave a gift to World Animal Protection.

Not sure where to start? Get your estate planning checklist

Preparing your estate can be overwhelming. We’ve created this easy estate planning checklist that we hope will help when preparing to draft your Will.  

Download your estate planning checklist

Ways you can leave a gift in your Will

  • Leave a specific dollar amount
  • A residual bequest ‒ a share of the remainder of your estate after all other needs have been met
  • A contingent bequest ‒ a share of your estate after your other beneficiaries have passed on
Donor Susan and her dog

“I have left a gift to World Animal Protection in my will because in that way I am able to leave a more meaningful amount of money to help them with their work, even after I am gone. I trust that it will be put to the best possible use. There is so much that still needs to be done.”

-Susan and her dog Rocky, World Animal Guardian

Our promise to you as a World Animal Guardian

  • We’ll always respect your privacy. We recognize and appreciate that these decisions are personal. You can choose how or if you would like to be communicated with and if your generosity is recognized publicly.  
  • We’ll always honour your wishes. Any gift you leave to World Animal Protection will be used with the utmost care, sensitivity, and respect.  
  • We’ll always put animals first. We will use your gift in a way that has the greatest impact on the lives of animals. Ensuring your legacy of a better future for animals 

Learn how gifts in a Will make a difference 

Sign up to receive your free legacy information pack

Fill out our form to receive your free information package for easy and meaningful giving. The legacy package contains information on how to leave a gift in your Will, along with other giving options for you to choose from.

*We strongly recommend that you discuss this with the professional services of a lawyer, accountant or financial advisor to ensure that your financial goals are considered, your tax situation reviewed, and your planned gift tailored to best fit your circumstances.

Get your free legacy info pack:

For professional advisors

Our legal name is World Animal Protection, Canada. Our Canadian Charitable Registration number is 12971 9076 RR0001.

Our address:

World Animal Protection
960-90 Eglinton Avenue East
Toronto, ON M4P 2Y3

Get in touch with us

We would be happy to speak with you about your options and the impact your gift will have on protecting the animals you love.

For more information, please contact:

Tiffany Oliveira, Philanthropy Manager
416 369 0044 x122 or mylegacy@worldanimalprotection.ca


The most efficient way to change the lives of animals, with a double tax benefit.

Life insurance

Give a lifesaving gift to animals and see significant tax savings.

Gifts of retirement funds

Help offset your estates tax and stop animal suffering.