Piglets under a heat lamp on a farm

Gifts of retirement funds

Donating retirement funds to help protect animals

Donating all or a percentage of your retirement funds is an effective way to reduce the taxes payable by your estate. If World Animal Protection is named as the beneficiary, your estate will receive a tax receipt, which can be used to offset the tax burden on the estate

This is a great way to show your commitment and belief that every animal deserves a life worth living, that World Animal Protection can find long-term sustainable solutions to stop animal exploitation, cruelty and suffering.

Ways to donate retirement funds

You can name World Animal Protection as the beneficiary on the following registered funds:

  • Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs)
  • Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIFs)
  • Registered Tax-Free Savings Accounts (TFSA)

The benefits of donating retirement funds

  • You retain the use of your registered funds for the duration of your lifetime, while making a significant gift in the future
  • Your registered funds are not part of your estate and will not be subject to probate costs or delays in settlement
  • A gift of registered funds can help offset the significant tax burden on your estate
  • Simple and easy to donate – obtain a change of beneficiary form from your financial institution

Get in touch with us

We would be happy to speak with you about your options and the impact your gift will have on protecting the animals you love.

For more information, please contact:

Tiffany Oliveira, Philanthropy Manager
416 369 0044 x122 or mylegacy@worldanimalprotection.ca

*We strongly recommend that you discuss this with the professional services of a lawyer, accountant or financial advisor to ensure that your financial goals are considered, your tax situation reviewed, and your planned gift tailored to best fit your circumstances.

Gifts in a Will

Learn how you can leave a gift for animals in your Will.


The most efficient way to change the lives of animals, with a double tax benefit.

Life insurance

Give a lifesaving gift to animals and see significant tax savings.