A bear in the wild


A donation of securities or mutual funds is the most efficient way to support World Animal Protection

With a gift of securities, the capital gains tax does not apply, allowing you to give more at no extra cost. You receive a double tax benefit with the elimination of the capital gains tax along with a charitable tax receipt for your donation. A gift of securities, therefore, benefits you more than giving cash and allows you to make a larger gift.

This is a great way to show your commitment and belief that every animal deserves a life worth living, that World Animal Protection can find long-term sustainable solutions to stop animal exploitation, cruelty and suffering.

A bear in a sanctuary
Photo: AMP

To make a donation of securities please download our securities transfer form using the link below and follow the instructions outlined on the form:

Securities transfer form

Complete your gift of securities today through CanadaHelps online form:

CanadaHelps Securities transfer form

The benefits of donating securities

  • Allows you to amplify the impact of your gift
  • You pay no tax on the capital gains that have accumulated on the securities
  • You receive a charitable tax receipt for your donation

Get in touch with us

We would be happy to speak with you about your options and the impact your gift will have on protecting the animals you love.

For more information, please contact:

Tiffany Oliveira, Philanthropy Manager
416 369 0044 x122 or mylegacy@worldanimalprotection.ca

*If you are thinking about transferring assets that have appreciated, you should seek expert advice from a tax specialist, your broker or qualified financial adviser.

Gifts in a Will

Learn how you can leave a gift for animals in your Will.

Life insurance

Give a lifesaving gift to animals and see significant tax savings.

Gifts of retirement funds

Help offset your estates tax and stop animal suffering.