Eating less meat is better for farm animals, the planet and your health

Let’s make change

We do everything we can to give animals a better life, here in Canada and around the world

The change we make for animals is backed by the best available science and we use our strong track record, global partnerships and collaborative approach to move governments, corporations, communities and individual consumers to protect animals.

Please join us - let’s work together to change the world, by changing the lives of animals.

See our impact for animals

Together we are making real and lasting change happen. Our commitment and belief that every animal deserves a life worth living is moving governments and multi-national corporations to make big changes for animals.

Watch how we made a difference for animals in 2021:

Together with our supporters, we are showing the world how important animals are to all of us. Read more good news stories our supporters made possible:

Meet four rescued baby giant anteaters affected by the recent fires in Brazil

The wildfires in the Pantanal region are manmade: many of the fires were deliberately started to clear land for the factory farming industry. Huge areas are being razed to the ground so that animal feed can be grown or cattle can graze for the meat industry. Thanks to your support, you provided emergency aid to four baby giant anteaters (Fadinha, Cisco, Trovão and Joaquim) and are helping our partner, The Institutió Tamanduá, to shelter several giant anteaters affected by the fires. 

​​​​​We moved Expedia Group to stop selling tickets to captive dolphin and whale attractions

After three years of sustained pressure from more than 350,000 committed supporters like you, global online travel company Expedia Group has announced it will end its support for whale and dolphin interactions and circus-style performances by prohibiting their sale. This is one step closer to making this the last generation of dolphins to suffer in captivity for profit and entertainment.

Learn more about the science of animal protection

Our investigations team and scientific experts from around the world help us build a strong evidence base for the changes we make for animals. Learn more about the roles that animal sentience and science play in giving animals better lives.

What is animal sentience?

Science shows that animals are sentient beings meaning they think and feel, have personalities and needs of their own. This means that very large numbers of sentient animals routinely experience pain and deprivation at human hands.

Our evidence irrefutably proves that animals are sentient beings. Our views are rooted in our extensive research and our opinions are published in reports such as 'Wild at Heart: The hidden cruelty behind the exotic pet trade of african grey parrots' and 'Pork and the Superbug Crisis: How higher welfare farming is better for pigs and people'. We carry out ground breaking investigations, which drive real change.

Through research, reporting and campaigns we show the true personalities of every animal. We help people see animals for the individuals they are. In this knowledge, people consider and change their behaviour to improve the lives of animals and ultimately their own.

For example our undercover investigation into the Elephant Crush, resulted in media, governments and institutions realizing in horror the abuse that goes on behind the scenes to tame wild animals and helped propel our campaign forward to end this cruelty. Our Animal Protection Index (API) ranks how well 50 countries protect animals, which helps us to press for better legislation.

We are the only Animal Welfare NGO to be awarded the UN’s general consultative status, cementing our standing as the leading authority on animal welfare. This gives us the credibility and influence to bring about solutions that change opinions and actions of the world’s most influential entities.

Take action to strengthen Canadian laws around keeping wildlife as pets

World Animal Protection has revealed that Canadians own millions of wild animals, also referred to as exotic animals, despite these animals being entirely unsuitable as pets.

Read the full report: Risky business: The unregulated exotic pet trade in Canada

Altogether, an estimated 1.4 million wild animals are kept as pets in Canada!

These shocking figures reveal that Canada’s lax pet ownership laws are enabling a cruel and inhumane wildlife pet trade. Many of these wild animals are poached from their natural habitats and imported directly from the wild. Others come from captive breeding operations, which have their own set of serious problems.

Canada’s wild animal ownership laws need to change. Tell your provincial representative you want more protection for wildlife.

Act now

Sign up to move the world with us

Join us as we work to transform the lives of animals. By joining our community you’ll receive updates and resources that will help you make informed decisions when animals are involved. Sign up today!

Keep learning about the deep connections between the welfare of animals, our health and the protection of our environment.

Help give wildlife a wild life

People everywhere want to see wildlife. It’s natural. What’s not natural, is that the demand to be close to wild animals means that dolphins and other animals are held captive and made to perform. That’s not entertainment and together we can do better.

Learn about the importance of interconnection

Our world is changing. The climate crisis means more wildfires, floods and droughts that could destroy habitats, kill millions of animals and displace millions of people. When animals lose their environment, so do we. But with action today and planning for tomorrow, we can make a difference together.

Make more thoughtful food choices

Choosing what to eat is complicated and personal. There are so many factors that play a role, and the countless labels don’t usually make it easier. Our tools can help decode those labels and help you make informed choices that will improve the lives of animals.

You can be part of creating humane, sustainable solutions by donating to help stop animal cruelty and suffering today.

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