Become an Animal Protector

As an Animal Protector, you are side by side with animals when they need you the most.

Your monthly commitment to animals means that every day you are stopping cruelty before it starts and giving animals the life they deserve.

Start your monthly gift today

How your monthly gift changes lives

You have the power to stop the cruelty and help vulnerable animals like Roxana lead safe, natural lives.

Roxana was rescued after spending 12 miserable years confined in a small cage at the Bârlad Zoo in Romania. When she was younger, she was placed in an enclosure with three other bears but was bullied by one of them. After living in fear, she was confined to a small cage instead where her mental health suffered tremendously.

Thanks to Animal Protectors she’s now recovering at our partner Libearty Bear Sanctuary. When she arrived at her new home, Roxana was nervous and traumatized from living in captivity. Over time she’s began to come out of her shell and isn’t pacing in stress circles as much as she used to.

Surrounded by the lush sanctuary forest, she now lives in peace, eating apples and taking dips in the pool.

Rescued bear at a sanctuary
Roxana at Libearty bear sanctuary (Photo: AMP)

Your monthly donation makes a real impact for animals

Every animal deserves a life worth living. As an Animal Protector, you’ll transform global systems that cause immense suffering to both wild and farm animals. By addressing the root causes of animal suffering, you will make the biggest difference for the greatest number of animals. 

By their side you will:

  • Move the Canadian government to commit to curbing the commercial wildlife trade and to champion wildlife protection at global policy forums.
  • Help stop wild animals from being exploited as commodities for entertainment, Traditional Asian Medicine (TAM), or as exotic pets.
  • Provide funding to sanctuaries to feed and care for rescued animals like bears and elephants.
  • Work to ban the prophylactic use of antibiotics in farming and encourage governments and leading food companies to adopt better farm animal welfare policies.
Pigs at a high welfare farm
Pregnant pigs in enriched group housing in a higher welfare indoor farm. (Photo: World Animal Protection / Thomas Alexander)

Be their voice by giving a monthly gift with lasting impact

$50 a month for a year:

  • Can influence governments and businesses to unite and ban the wildlife trade permanently.

$35 a month for a year:

  • Keeps the pressure on big food brands to improve welfare standards for animals in factory farms.

$20 a month for a year:

  • Provides vet care and 2 weeks’ worth of food for one rescued bear like Roxana.

Make your monthly donation to change animals' lives for the better today. 

Donate monthly now

World Animal Protection donor and her dog

“In addition to all the good World Animal Protection does to end animal suffering, it’s a great resource for educational information as well. I learn a lot from their newsletters, such as understanding food labels when shopping and tips on ensuring my vacation isn't putting wildlife at risk.”

Monthly Donor Garbrielle and her rescue dog Stella

Frequently asked questions

How can I make changes to/update my information?

Login to your Supporter Centre to view or update your monthly giving information. You can also email or call us at: 1-800-363-9772 to make any updates or to cancel your monthly donation. World Animal Protection requires 5 business days to effect changes before the next transaction date. Please note that if your monthly gift is made through PayPal, you will need to update your details through your PayPal account.

Do people fundraise for World Animal Protection on the street?

Yes! For years World Animal Protection has been canvassing in public spaces with our valued partner GiveBridge.  

All fundraisers wear photo ID badges, a branded lanyard, may wear a branded vest or t-shirt and they do not accept cash donations. Rather, they will ask members of the community to consider making a direct and ongoing donation through monthly credit card or bank payments. 

If you would like to confirm the identity of a fundraiser, please call the GiveBridge helpline at 1-855-654-4438. 

How much is spent on education and program work?

World Animal Protection strives to ensure every dollar you give is building strong global animal protection programs and a healthy future for the world's animals.

From every donation dollar, 4% goes towards administration, 28% goes towards fundraising, and 68% goes towards programs.

How is my monthly donation used?

Your support is making a difference for animals.

To understand how your monthly donation changes the lives of animals please reach out to Tiffany Oliveira our Donor Relations Manager by email or by phone at 1-800-363-9772 ext 122.

What methods of payment do you accept?

Monthly donations can be made with any major credit card, through your bank account as well as PayPal. 

When donating by credit card online the fees are 3.5% on monthly donations.  

Giving monthly by direct debit has far less administrative costs and transaction fees than giving any other way. Monthly giving offers a steady and predictable source of funding and in turn we spend less on fundraising marketing costs with confidence in the continued monthly support. 

Why give monthly?

Monthly donations help for us to plan our work. It means showing up for animals when they need it most.  
If you want to make a commitment but don’t want to give every month there are options to have a pre-authorized payment set up quarterly, bi-annually and annually.  

Is there a minimum donation amount?

For monthly donations the minimum amount is $5.00. This ensures that you can still make an impact on the lives of animals after the typical fees associated with pre-authorized payments. 

When will I receive a tax receipt?

You will receive a tax receipt annually. Monthly donors will be sent a consolidated tax receipt by the month of March for the prior year of giving.  

If you are missing or have misplaced a tax receipt from priors years please give us a call at :  1-800-363-9772 or send an email to

When will my donation be deducted?

Your donation will be deducted on the same day every month, and that day is decided by your first gift date. If at any time you need to change the date of giving please log in to your Supporter Centre to update your monthly giving information. You can also email or call us at: 1-800-363-9772. 

The supporter centre is not working for me – who do I contact?

If you are unable to access, you Supporter Centre please send us an email to with your email address, first and last name and we will work to resolve the issue. 

How do I know if my company matches my gift?

You can visit our company matching tool to search for your workplace.